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Any views expressed by the sender of this email are not necessarily those of Ltd. Ltd employees are expressly requested, amongst other things, not to make any defamatory, threatening or obscene statements and not to infringe any legal right (including any infringement of copyright) by email communication. Any such communication is contrary to Ltd and outside the scope of the employment of the individual concerned. Ltd will not accept any liability in respect of such a communication, and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liabilities arising.
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Please note: Ltd does not generally engage in systematic monitoring activities although it reserves the right to do so where there is reason to believe that misuse of its facilities is occurring. Ltd
Company No: 07977936
Registered office: Langley House, Park Road, London N3 8EY
Vat Reg No: GB 259561667
Issue 1 – February 2023